Script scene 1, creative class, 2008. Powered by Blogger.

Thursday 14 August 2008

The afternoon of August 14th 2008

I was fourteen, not too long before meeting Mahamaya. It was summer and the sun was shining brightly through the the trees in the orchard. Not one cloud blemished my beautiful blue sky. It was around four o'clock. A welcome, gentle breeze brushed against my face and the sweet smell of baking grass lingered in the air. Slackening the tie around my neck, and half unbuttoning my shirt, I hitched my skirt right up to just below my bottom. The cold winter had long been and gone and pretty spring had passed. There, in a daisy patch, in the sweltering heat, I counted the tiny apples and pears beginning to form on the ends of the branches. I pondered over old life, making way for new, wondereding of a man I loved who was feeling so much sorrow. There were sounds of laughter from the other houses and music blared through wide open windows. The strange air around me whispered words in my ear and I shut my eyes, choosing to listen. The birds lowered their silly tune as the branches of the 'old tree' seemed to part. The light shone on my milky body. My skin begin to tingle, my bare legs burned, and a glowing red light protruded right through my eyelids. Laid there in the long grass, I had a feeling I was being watched. That the words I heard were sent to me, carried in the breeze. That the branches were parted by some magical force, by a man standing in one of those upstairs, long row windows.